Monday, 28 October 2013

In the long run...

Yesterday was my first long run after the marathon - not that long in the grand scheme of running - 14k in fact, but the fact that I felt good, light & fast on my feet showed me that my marathon recovery has passed & again I have to train my ass!

I have a half marathon booked in the 1st weekend of December, could this be a good opportunity to run fast? To try & beat a PB perhaps? With some intervals & healthy eating over this next month it could be possible...

I made delicious seeded bread with coconut & banana for when I finished. & then for dinner I had some gnocchi with a 'botanicals' walnut bolognese with roma tomatoes & peas!! Quite a lot of carbs & quite delicious =) & this morning I made an apple, ginger, lemon & kale juice with vital greens. Kick starting my healthiness. 

& tonight. I'm running to St. Kilda the beach area in Melbourne, to see friends but excited that I can run along next to the water & feel the sun on my skin & breathe some sea air, perfect tonic for a Monday eve. So might a glass of pinot noir be =)

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