but clearly too busy to blog.
The main thing is I have been training to run & working to live & doing yoga to breathe & pilates to align & sleeping to rest & eating to fuel. My training diary is packed with body movement & motivation which has given me great mindset.
In the last 8 weeks I have -
been to 14 yoga classes
& 1 weekend yoga retreat
been to 13 pilates reformer classes
& 9 personal training sessions
with intervals thrown into PT
I've swam 4k & had 4 saunas
& spin classes = 3 (1 a 2 hour power class)
have smashed my marathon PB
& have ran just over 400k's!!!
I've rolled on the power plates
& I've eaten many vegan plates...
Hoping that all of the above gives me the power to run 64k in 2 weeks time. I made a spontaneous decision to run the 'razorback run' out in the Victorian mountains somewhere... Excited.
I have new super quick recipes for you too... roasted cauliflower with cumin, coriander & almonds. This simple side dish I served with chickpea & tomato curry... mmmmmm
Break the cauliflower into florets & blanche in boiling water for 2 mins. Lay into an oven dish & add olive oil, almonds, ground cumin & coriander. Roast in the oven for 15 mins.
Fry onions & garlic in coconut oil, add a diced red pepper & fry until all softened. Mix in tinned tomatoes, tsp turmeric, cinnamon, paprika, cloves. Then add tinned chick peas & simmer for 15 mins.
So simple & so fragrant & I served with quinoa. enjoy.
& I hope to be back soon with tales of my trail running adventure this weekend.....
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