Thursday, 24 October 2013

Move, nourish, believe.

A mantra that really resonates - move, nourish, believe. 

Tonight my MOVEment was personal training - strength with lunges, kettle bells, pull ups & other painful manoeuvres! Preceded by 45 mins on the X trainer - I apparently climbed Kilimanjaro on the machine. Hey it was a lot easier than the last 7 day trek up to the peak of the biggest beautiful mountain in Africa that I did!

Tonight my NOURISHment was a quick quinoa dish with chick peas, tomatoes, lemon juice, olive oil & sea salt. Simple yet still delicious & nutritious. & for naughtiness extra sweeeet nourishment 'botanicals' sticky date pudding mmmm. 

Tonight I BELIEVE I will sleep well!!! & that you get out of life what you put into it. If you don't push yourself you will never make positive progress in whatever you do. Here's to good strength, energy & a peaceful existence.

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