Saturday, 16 February 2013

london calling

I'm at Paris airport, London bound.. Now I'm so super excited to see friends & fashion shows over the weekend but quite how I'm going to survive the English chocolate in my face restraint, I'm really not sure. & quite how I'm going to fit in a 20k run at some point over the next few day is beyond me (& that's cutting it short by half from my training plan) my itinerary is chaotic. I have to cover several shows a day, have meetings about retail & trend direction, checking out the designer showrooms & a couple of inspirational exhibition visits, I'll actually cover a few miles running around London to do all that! Except I won't be running I'll be in taxis wearing ridicuolous heels most likely. & then the friends bit, I'll have a have a few wines/cocktails/pints for old times sake! I need to give myself a let off so this weekend might as well be the time! London town here I come..... 

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