Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Mindfulness morning..

Most mornings I do a meditation, I think this enhances my embracing of the morning run. Once I have sat in silence, focused on my mandala, closed my eyes to centralize on my breath & silently repeat my mantra for around 10 mins each morning I find a moment of pure bliss, of reaching my inner being (& it's really kinda beautiful in there) Then I will happily put on my running gear, throw an outfit for work in my bag & positively bounce out of the door. Running gets me to work but it really is the best way to start the day, I wake up along the way, get myself prepared in my mind or sometimes just glide peacefully & then I'm at work, wide eyed & bushy tailed. 

My morning run mantra, "the perfect way to start the day"

My juice this morning ...

2 carrots
2 apples
1 lemon
10cm cucumber
2cm ginger

For freshness & focus for the day. 
These are my morning rituals & my mind yoga for a busy life in a busy world to keep an inner calm through the day. It's a stunning sunny morning & I can't wait to get out there & live it xo 

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