Saturday, 30 March 2013

Easter eggstravaganza

Pleased as punch with my 30k in under 3 hours again today yay!! So I might treat myself to a little punch! I also did an intense power yoga class before my run & felt fabulous & strong running 5.50 k's all the way. I even hit the hills & had so many moments of complete clarity, of being so mindful in the moment & felt my mind/body were working in unity. Good vibes. 
Oh & bbc radio 1 Pete Tong's essential mix with Steve Angello was the best for rave running, gave me the spirit to smash it.

I have been watching hungryforchange this weekend so have been going green. It's pretty interesting & inspirational for healthy eating, it made me miss the man made items in the supermarket anyways ;)& I made...

Green power juice

1 lime
10cm cucumber
2 sticks celery
1 apple
Handful kale
1cm ginger

& Green power soup

3 Broccolis
2 leeks
4 sticks celery
Handful spinach leaves
Sea salt & pepper
Tsp nutmeg 

Sauté the leeks in coconut oil first then boil with the other green veggies. Greenie yumminess! 

Friday, 29 March 2013

It's a good Friday !!

It's not just good it's great Friday!! I have set myself a running challenge for Easter, in exchange for eating as much vegan chocolate as I can, pretending it comes in egg shapes! The challenge is this; I have a 4 day weekend, I will run 30ks on each day, so over the weekend I will have ran 120ks! Well my first day went well (super good even, a fast sub 3 hour 30k - 2.57 mins) so hoping with a bit of chocolate power & vital greens I can have another good 30k run tomorrow & the next day & the next...

& thanks to deadmau5 for the tunes today!! 
& thanks to the sunshine for making my run pretty & bright today ;)
& thanks to the hot guy who gave me a wink this morning ~.^
& thanks to my body for giving me the strength to power thru....
& sending all the positive vibrations my feet ran out there <3 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

lushest easter xox

Luvly, lush & long =) that's this easter weekend & hopefully that's gonna be how I feel about running this weekend & I think I have my new mantra too... (Luvly, lush & long) Today when I ran to work I felt light & glided, some days you just feel ace, I hope that means when I am running my 30k in the morning I feel pretty much the same!! 
I'm going to a body balance class tonight to stretch & strengthen but with not too much stress. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed of late. Lots going on at work, life at home is a little alone & sad about stuff... I also am kinda bored of running! This always happens when you're 2 months in to a training program with 2 months to go. I'm tired & just want to get drunk! But with the 100k looming I have to get my head down, my trainers on & I have to hit the trails. Let's see how I feel after tomorrows' run..... 

For a treat to make you feel great!

*choc mousse mania*
2 or 3 avocados
5 dates chopped in half cup of water
3 dessert spoons raw cacao
tsp vanilla
tsp agave nectar

& as usual blend baby! 

Monday, 25 March 2013

jazzy pink mountain cat!

happy monday! rest day. after my slightly disappointing sunday run, I managed 36k but felt pretty damn shattered by the end..
I must have used all my energy up thinking about my costume!!!

A pink mountain cat has adventures in the blue mountains! & I will make it a short story from whatever the run throws at me =) (Synopsis) The pinky mountain cat has super running powers!! She is setting out to overcome the blueys!! & of course in the end she will succeed!!

So how will I dress as Pinky the mountain cat? All my running gear to be black, then I can sequin/diamante my markings (like a leopard or tiger) in pinks. I will have a little running hat with pink sparkly ears. & see how long waterproof liquid eyeliner lasts for whiskers!?

New discovery!! VITAL GREENS - full of vitamins, minerals, superfoods, antioxidants, herbs, probiotics, digestive enzymes. I'm going to try this on my next long run but it sure is making me feel mighty fine now =) mix a couple of spoons in water & shoot it like a sambuca! So good.

I feel like I've really got to now focus on my training, I've now got 2 months to get to 100k run ready. This is last weeks log in - I need to step it up for next week I'm hitting 100k!!

Monday    - 10k run + power yoga
Tuesday   - 5k run + strength training
Wednesday - 45 min Xtrain + 45min pilates
Thursday  - Rest day
Friday    - 10k run + body balance
Saturday  - 16k run + 75min vinyasa yoga
Sunday    - 36k run

Total = 77k + 45min Xtrain 

This week I need more miles & more mental harmony please! XO


Saturday, 23 March 2013

Running for inspiration

I've just been to Melbourne fashion festival Sportsgirl national graduate showcase tonight to see the next generation of young designers collective sartorial offerings of inspired creativity. It was so beautiful to see the amazing level of work, conceptual & cool, technical & thought provoking. I was sUper impressed by the talent on show. It got me thinking, I am going to come up with my outfit for the 100k, it needs to be aero dynamic, practical & pink. & inspired by tonight I'm going to have a little (long) think on my run in the morning: my challenge to come up with the idea! I've got a long run to come up with something awesome...
My new juice recipe for tomorrows 40k is introducing my new fave green veggie, kale. Have got a bunch from the organic store & popped it in the freezer so I can break bits off for super green juice yum.

2 apples
1/2 lemon
Bunch kale
10cm cucumber
Desert spoon chia seeds

Fresh & full of vits for fitness... 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

omg oats!

Sleep is eluding me again this week, why oh why was I wide awake at 4am having had the most beautiful yoga class last night & 10k's ran & a productive Monday at work I should have been so ready for a blissful dream world but I couldn't get back to sleep even after a meditation & hypnotized hour of relaxation. & so having accepted that I was no longer going to get any more zzz's I got up & thought about some work stuff; interview questions for Henry Holland tomorrow & I stirred up some inspiration & oats... 
This morning was a little cooler which excited me as running in chillier climes & through the winter is my fave & I fuel with yummy oats every day... I used plain organic oats & ingredients to create the simplest of pleasures so delicious & warm & it made me happy to be up in the night eating out of the pan. 

oats + almond milk + cinnamon + vanilla + banana + sea salt = oat heaven at 5am!

Now I've just gotta get through the day ok & have the energy for strength training tonight. With the oats' slow release carbs I can only be best set up for the day - yay =)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

ultra super sonic sunday

so anything over a marathons' 42.2 k's is an ultra which makes my 45k's today ultra - super sonic sunday yay!! I took it slow, did a 25:5 run walk ratio & found it pretty tough at times today to be honest but I kept going using everything in my power to pull through the 5 hours of relentless running. Thanks to GU for espresso gels I heart u for the extra energy for the extra mile & thanks to soundcloud for the tunes & no thanks to the real clouds for all the rain!! #soggysocks

My training diary for this week...

Monday        - rest
Tuesday       - 5k + 45 mins PT training
Wednesday - 60mins ashtanga yoga + 7k run
Thursday      - 2x 5k runs + 45mins PT training
Friday           - 7k run
Saturday      - 75mins ashtanga yoga 
Sunday         - 45k run

Total runnings - 74 k's

So here's to a new week, I hope that it brings solace in my world, some fun with friends in Sydney, strong running & mindful meditations... Sending good vibes out there, peace xo

Saturday, 16 March 2013

vegan guilty secrets

well it won't be a secret any longer but I have now got a new vegan guilty pleasure... pana chocolate! amaze, raw, organic & handmade with no nasties, all natural (& also pretty pricey from the organic shop) but it is well worth it for the sweetness & such savouring moments of delicious desire when one is scoffing! 
& I'm thinking it will help me get to 50k's tomorrow - eek indeed. 
I've have had a pretty rubbish week due to someone I care about being honest about an aspect of their life that I just can't accept, I have been emotional, affected & unmotivated. I also feel like I've let myself down but I've tried my best this week & have managed 2x yoga classes & 2x PT sessions + have ran at least 5 k's everyday. Except today I just couldn't get out of bed at 6.30am on a Saturday morning in the dark. I still got to yoga which helped me stretch my tired limbs & I'm not going to dwell on it I'm just going to set myself up for a bigger challenge tomorrow. 
Tomorrow I'm going to go for 5 hours!!! But incorporating a run/walk method to help with my recovery & see where I'm at in ultra fitness world. I'm also going to take food to see how I'm going to fuel the big race. I've been in a bit of denial that I'm going to run 100k & that relationships are all that they seem, now I'm going to transmute out of these mindsets with some zendurance practice.
Some amazing reading that has inspired me over the past couple of months that connect the mind & body & are helping me to reach the point of enlightenment & ecstasy when I run...

The runners guide to the meaning of life - Amby Burfoot
Eat & run - Scott Jurek
Running with the mind of meditation - Sakyong Mipham
Zendurance - Shane Alton Eversfield
The power of now - Eckhart Tolle
Born to run - Christopher McDougall
What I talk about when I talk about running - Haruki Murakami 

Happy reading & running & peaceful peeps xox

Sunday, 10 March 2013

running & raving!

I have just finished my 30k long run for the week, there's no better feeling than post race, showered & sitting on the sofa stuffing salt & vinegar peanuts & ciders into my face!! Sweet Sundays! But this Sunday is a long weekend Sunday so no work on Monday means that it should definitely be a play day. So no resting my feet, I'm putting my party hat on & dancing shoes are ready for a stomp at Future music festival - bring it - Prodigy, Bloc party, Richie Hawtin, Ricardo Villalobos, Stone Roses, Dizzee Rascal... Perfect post run recovery??? Had a couple of bliss balls to give me some rave power, with added cinnamon & sea salt for that extra kick, try adding to the original bliss ball recipe (see Happy Friday post)

Weekly log for training blog...

Monday        - 15k run
Tuesday       - Body balance + x2 5k runs
Wednesday - 60 mins ashtanga + 45 mins PT + 5k run + 30 mins xtrain
Thursday      - 5k run
Friday           - 45 mins vinyasa yoga + 30 mins xtrain
Saturday      - 14k run + 75 mins ashtanga yoga
Sunday         - 30k run + rave dancing all day long!!!

Total k's for week = 84k's 
(plus all the other stretchy stuff I think you could say I'm back in the groove) & now I'm going to get me groove on!!! 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

gorgeousness guacamoleness

Hi how hard is it to shake the jet lag? I have been waking up at 2,3,4,5am & not able to get back to sleep. meh. So my way of dealing with the sleep depravation & emotional exhaustion that ensues is to run it off, burn it out & stretch it out of my system. Being up super early makes it easy to do morning meditations, make the 6.30am yoga classes & sunrise runs are peaceful & perfect for me to bond with being alive & well & living in Melbourne again.
Jet lag also brings on crazy cravings, dreams of nachos & devilish desires for sweet stuff not in any healthy eating plan on the planet. & after being deprived of vegan food in London which brought on a bread binge I want to do gluten free again too. So back to the nachos - I have an awesome guacamole recipe to go with a plain corn chip to satisfy any jet lag induced insanity! & to help rev up to the running schedule which so far this week...

Monday - 15k run 
Tuesday - body balance class + 2x 5k runs 
Wednesday - ashtanga yoga + 5k run +30 mins cross trainer hills + 45 mins strength training. 

Wowee I'm gonna need this .....

gorge guac!

2 avocados
1 juice lemon
1 juice lime
1 red chilli
fresh coriander - lots!
1 garlic clove crushed
1/2 small red onion finely chopped
10 cherry tomatoes diced

& mash it all up & dip in & run off xo

Sunday, 3 March 2013

2 weeks running away !!

Well hello, that was an awesome 2 weeks worldly wandering... But not too much running to write back about! I tried to incorporate some training into my chaotic itinerary, this is how it went ~~~

Week 1:
*Paris - x2 gym sessions in 2 days 
1) 55mins on elliptical trainer 
2) 55mins (11k) on treadmill + strength training 
*London - x1! Run in 4 days
1hr20mins 10mile run (back in London back talking in miles!!)
*Morpeth - x1 run in 3 days 
1hr20mins 10mile run

Week 2: 
*London - x2 gym sessions
*Miami - x2 45min runs along South beach baby!

So I'm back in Melbs feeling emotional & exhausted but looking forward to getting back into getting fit, eating healthy & feeling fab again, let's meditate on sound sleeps & kindness to yourself & when you're feeling a wee bit down, be good to all, keep running & stay positive.

My first day back green juice fast fun!! This is going to be my new morning ritual to kickstart my health kick...

Green juice ~
2 apples
10cm cucumber
1 lime (peeled)
4cm pineapple
1/2 avocado
tsp wheatgrass
1/2tsp spirulina