Saturday, 20 July 2013

Run Melbs Pink

Tomorrow morning is run Melbourne half marathon!! & I'm getting pre race nerves. I'm also getting race prepared, I've washed my fave skins & matching sports bra, I've got my lucky pink buff out (it's going to be chilly when I set out at 6am to start the race at 7am) I did an ashtanga yoga class this morning to give my limbs a stretch. I've dyed my hair pinkish (a race superstition) & I've eaten all super foods all week, lots of juices, nuts, green soups, raw veggies. I've just made my fave quinoa with peas & beans in roast tomato, pepper & rosemary sauce to carb load for the morning. I've made my music playlist. I've trained, sprinted, sweated until I was nearly sick. I've got my number out, safety pinned & am currently choosing which pink top to wear. I've got a power bar for breakfast at 5am & have got my GU gels packed to power me up. I've got an old jumper to keep me warm at the start line. I've set my alarm for 4.44am for breakfast in bed & 5.55am get outta bed (on a Sunday!!!) I am ready to run Melbourne =) 

I'm going to be thinking of this Paul Tergat (awesome Kenyan marathoner) quote tomorrow morning..... 
Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The answer is usually: 'Yes'. 

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