Monday, 22 July 2013

Not me best run

Ran Melbourne yesterday. Not very well though. Sad face. Tired legs. Disappointed psyche. 

I got in at 1.47... 7 minutes slower than my goal. The 1st 10k split was 49.43 which was on target, but I felt sluggish from 3k. Wanted to vomit at 6k. Nearly stopped at 8k. Legs felt sore from 11k. Had tummy pains from 15k. Didn't get into my groove at any k. & slowly shuffled over the finish line at 21.1k.

I just didn't have the power in my legs. & then I just didn't enjoy it. & I know a lot about distance running is a mental thang. Kinda feel disappointed but my body & brain just said "chill out petal" Next time maybes...

Or maybes not. Also it did get me thinking. I'm not sure I enjoyed the half marathon event, the city streets & jostling for a stride. I want to run in nature, on trails, I love the camaraderie out there, the endurance mentalness, the ultra bug has got me. So after a bit of recovery I'm going to get my ultra runners back on. 

Speaking of recovery. I found a whole jar of gingerbread botanical ice cream (dreamy) was worth the all pain... Check out the Australian raw vegan range by Botanical. It's all natural. It's all amazing. Cheeses, ice creams, pestos, chutneys, yummies...

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