Wednesday, 17 December 2014

tough times

Just let that sh*t go... Sometimes you have to. Work, life, problems, sadness, let it all go. NOW.

Just when I was feeling good (yes a little stressed at work with my million meetings & managing) but I've been concentrating on healthiness, been yoga practising, been lightly running, BUT I get knocked down. Shingles. So down.

I've been told it is caused by being STRESSED & severely run down. So making potions of beetroot & ginger, green veggie juices & sneaky homemade chocolate treats to keep my immune system functioning & my energy levels boosted. Vitamin C & B12 & zinc are being bountifully imbibed.

Sadness consumes me, I can't run, or exercise at all & I must rest. But it is the psychological therapy I miss & being ill is killing me. I need to switch off & give myself a break or xmas will be no fun for me!! The only real cure is REST. (& rom coms!!)

I have not always been so health orientated, a teenage alcoholic, a drug fuelled twenties & a history of eating disorders has obviously affected my being & body that is why I have made the decision to detox, to give my body a best chance to be clean & pure & in return it has given me strength & power & vigour. 

I can't help thinking about my past life & the damage done. Being ill makes you realise how precious health & happiness really is. Cherish yourself, this is the only life you've got. Do what makes you happy as long as it is good for you! I wish I had this realisation sooner rather than in my late 30's!! But hey, NOW is better than never.

Sending out luv & light to the world for a peaceful, healthy & happy run in to the festive holiday......

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