Thursday, 21 November 2013

recovery rest rehab

Following a few days of delayed onset muscular soreness & a sad face, I realised my intrinsic intimacy with inclinations to run. & when I can't run, woe betide those who wrong me! I am not my most patient & passive persona when I'm not putting one foot in front of the other relentlessly. I also don't seem to function as fabulously at work, my creativity flailing without the moments of flow & freedom for my mind to muse my method. & I've only had 3 days off from my beloved movement & meditation.

When I can't run I find that retail therapy is needed to fill the void, although my wardrobe is already full & there is no void in there. That said, strangely a new Stella McCartney bag just found it's way into my virtual shopping basket & then somehow is actually on it's way to me from the online shopping universe, amazing, I just don't know how it happened but it felt gooooood. & a vegan designer bag too so a purchase with a conscience to be proud of! However a very expensive recovery session I must admit!!!

Then I also find myself having a 'mexican stand off' !!!!! the cocktail !!!!! or a few of. A vodka based drink with lime juice, agave, coriander & chilli. & if this rest from running continues I think I will need rehab from the pesky mexicans!!!

So my plea to my legs. Please can you mend stronger soon, make my muscles feel light & not so tight. Please absorb the constant pressure I put on you like a true friend in a time of need. I promise to look after you with hydration & healthy fuel, with regular massage & that nice natural body oil you like to make you feel smooth & smell sweet. I will, from now on & forever, make sure you get plenty of rest when you need it in return for helping me run 64k next weekend! Help! Pleeeeaaaseee!!!

I was back with my feet on the streets this morning & made small steps in the right direction. With a pilates session thrown in to give me better alignment & core strength I hope to feel stronger & streamlined. & of course I will look fabulous with my new designer bag when it arrives & when the planets align & my legs will be fine. Good times ahead to one & all xox

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