Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Make someone happy..

I am a much happier soul today, as my chiropractor made me happy when told me I could resume exercise activities. I can run again. Only 4k but I can run! & swim, my morning meditations make me more than happy. Oh how much have I missed moving my body, getting my sweat on & my heart beating faster.. By next week maybe I'll be back in the ultra training game - joint care rehabilitation permitting.

I have learned (the hard & very painful way) - How to heal a sacroiliac joint injury..

Rehab on the chiro table - amazing realignments & back cracking!!
Following instruction to stand instead of sitting all day at the office (something that I wish to take thru into my everyday going forward...
Nourishing my body with nutritious smoothies - see recipe below
Cats claw tea drinks (my own naturopathic researched remedy)
No running, swimming, yoga!!! But lots of walking (this has been my saving grace)

Recovering joint daily smoothie joy ~ made in a nutri-bullet (my nu mate)
1/2 of the bullet needs to be made up of green leaves - e.g. kale, spinach...

Kale, spinach, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1" ginger, 1/2 lemon, handful blueberries, tblsp vital greens, tblsp chia seeds, almond milk & water.

The nutri-bullet keeps all of the fibre in the fruit & veggies rather than juicing & it delivers deliciousness.. Well wishes xo

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