Sunday, 24 August 2014

this life...

Need I say anything more? 
Well I must. Today I've been making the most out of my life ~ spending it how I want to ~ living it ~ happily & healthy. Doing my favourite things - running & eating goodness. No hating, no regretting, no dieting, only giving myself good nutrition, Running, yes but after my dreams & running for me. 
& I'm thinking ultra running has an element of bravery attached to it, going into the run knowing that you're going to be tested, physically & mentally, you know that you will be feeling the pain, that is inevitable. But being brave & pushing through it, until it feels good (at the finish) & taking the rough with the smooth along the road, just like in life.
This morning I ran a divine 18k alongside the ocean in the sunshine; sea air, drum'n'bass beats, beautiful beach views & endorphins!  
& followed that with a visit to my fave Sydney eatery - Sadhana - organic, whole foods, vegan & pretty rad. I had the raw tacos, my friend, the raw pad thai. Washed down with beetroot & veggies cold pressed juice. & then we both had the caramel slice for just desserts. Delish nourishment. 
& the week ahead. I'll be believing in myself. Readying myself for this next week, a full working diary of amazing challenges & then preparation for my other amazing challenge; this time next Sunday I hope I'm on the final bend of my 100k ultra run. & when I cross that finish line, I'll be mightily proud. & probably quite knackered! =)

 Stunning running

Luvly lunch & beetroot juice

& heavenly ending...

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