Wednesday, 11 March 2015

A do run run run...

This Saturday I am tackling the 6 foot track 45k's of elevation spiked marathon in the Blue Mountains national park NSW set on a variety of technical trails stretched over the significant miles.
I am getting the pre race jitters. The self doubt seeping into my usual confidence, being of fit & healthy, but now I'm running scared. There's nothing like a little nervousness for the big races to make you respect the course & distance.
I have been running 80-100ks for the last 6 weeks. I have been reaching the top of my hills, testing my mettle each morning. But still I am wary of the way I will perform on the day & I am slightly apprehensive if I will be able to even complete the mountainous challenge this weekend. I'll be delving deep into that inner strength bank I'm sure.
Life is challenging at times, currently every day at work feels like a mighty marathon, but each day I survive to live another & I live & I learn. Some days I find ways of thriving & others I scrape by & feel physically & emotionally exhausted by the end. I wonder what kind of race it will be....
Time will not be on my mind, rather enjoying the surroundings & my experience out there, this time I'm seeking something more spiritual than a sprint finish & quick win, I want to discover my true authentic self out there.
I'm sure on Saturday I will learn some more about running, spirit & hopefully leap over those obstacles, be humbled by the experience & sample the taste of sweet success at the finish line. Sending out amazing running wishes & gratitude for the opportunity to participate. 
Good luck to all 6 foot track marathon runners xoL

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