Friday, 30 May 2014

mountains motivation...

For Friday fun I'm getting on the blue mountains bound train after my week at work to get outta the city, to fill my lungs with the fresh air up there.. I'm going to run my fave 6 foot track route, a little further than 6 feet, a 50k round running trip in fact. I am excited beyond for my planned adventure, looking forward to the solitude (um that's if I don't encounter my old friend the snake I nearly stepped on last time!!) & I'm excited/nervous to see where my fitness is at, nervous excitement being this runners favourite state of being!! 
& for now. Some Friday inspo for U.. Sending good running vibes out to the wide world....

Thursday, 22 May 2014

swimmingly well

I must say that my new life in Sydney has started with a splash! My new home comes with a pool, yes lucky me, & said pool is deserted at 6am in the morning, pretty early, I guess most other humans are sleeping, well you snooze you lose & I have the pool to myself most mornings to smash out a kilometre or 2. 
My new commute consists of a 20 min walk not my usual run so I start my daily exercise by slipping into the sublime water & getting back my groove of the graceful front crawl. I was quite the little swimmer in my youth before I discovered booze & boys so still have the stroke techniques. I love the meditation & mindfulness of the movement & the mastered breathing. I'll be tumble turning down Bondi icebergs pool for more stunning swims soon...

& the perfect post swim breakfast ~ buckwheat porridge with almond milk, anti-oxidant seed mix (sunflower seeds, pepitas, almonds, goji & blueberries & sultanas)& stewed pears (chop pear & add water/nutmeg & simmer until soft) xox

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Some strengthening stuff

Strong is the new sexy. So I'm sharing some of my strength training routine. It's a record for me to follow too as I flit down the path of life onto my next stint in sunny Sydney... & without my personal trainer to motivate me I need to incorporate this into my routine. Strength training is all about lean muscle mass, injury prevention & well, feeling stronger/looking hotter!
The trick for fit is to increase weights in small increments to get you elevated & make amendments to form with variances of the exercise to keep you motivated. & it should always challenge your mind & body, to the point of pretty much wanting to stop. Or cry. 

What you will need - kettle bell & dumbbell weights. Start with lighter weights to get the form correct, then power down dudes!

Kettle bell swings x12
(Stand with your legs apart, fold forward with a straight back, swing the kettle bells up to shoulder height, with your arms out straight, maintain a slight bend in knees, movement should come from the waist, strong core & squeeze the glutes) 

Squat with shoulder press x12
(With your weights in each hand at shoulder level facing inwards, squat down as though you are sitting on a chair, thighs parallel to the floor, when you lift your legs to stand straight, push the weights up to straight arms, pressing up to the sky then return to the squat position & with your arms bringing your weights back to your shoulders) 

Press ups x12
(Standard press ups or mix it up my moving 1 hand each time, or by adding in an elbow crawl - from high plank, lower onto your elbows on each side, push back up then add a press up in between, making sure you're even on both arms, yes it's mean, keep it lean) 

Back lunges x12
Stand with your weights in hands by your sides. Lunge back until your knee lightly touches the floor. Stand back up & lift your knee of the leg that just lunged. Keep going 12 reps on one leg then change for 12 reps on the other leg)

Pull ups x12
(Plank over free weights, pulling up the weights alternate sides to your chest & returning to plank)

Twist swings x12
(With the kettle bell held in both hands, swing & twist, lifting your arms to shoulder height as you hit the face forward & let the weight lead you so you bring it to behind your hips on the down swing. Twist to each side 12 times)

& repeat the exercises x2 more. 

That should do the trick! It's all about functional movement. The exercises are scientifically structured so that you are capturing all muscle groups.
Luv xox 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

enjoy it. it's happening.

it sure is...

Tomorrow I move to Sydney. I'm transferring my life & soul to the sunnier city. I will miss my life in Melbourne though, & upon reflection this place & time in my life has given me so much, strength, friendships, fitness, self awareness, career progression, permanent residency, happiness. & in the 3 years I have lived here I discovered ultra marathons, the lure of running on soft trails, challenges on the mountains, the buzz & elation of the completion of such an amazing event. I look forward to continuing my running & ultra participation in NSW. Bring on the new adventures...

& my first adventurous endeavour, next week I am going to Gwinganna, a health & lifestyle retreat in the hinterland of Australia's gold coast. I look forward to fresh organic food, massages & therapies, yoga, nature walks, blissin' & putting myself in a place ready for the road ahead. I'll be sure to share the joy...