Thursday, 10 April 2014

movin' n groovin'

WOW WOW WOW what can I tell you about my shift in stimulations & habitations. Things are indeed a movin' & a groovin' these decisions have been put into actions hence my lack of blogging distractions for the last 2 weeks! 
I went for a luvly 10k run last week to ponder & pipe dream my future for the foreseeable. Sometimes daydreaming & visualising happens in reality. My adjudication coming in the final sprint of energy & my epiphany - to move forward, progression & succession. Life's dilemmas always can be solved when running, my rule of life!! 

My life dilemma ~

Option 1) To stay 
... in my role of fashion forecaster for a brand of which I hold dear & have given my heart, soul, blood, sweat & tears too over the past 3 years. (sounds like running 100k) A position in which I am also held in high regard & am happy & confident in my 'Sportsgirl' world. In Melbourne, a city I have come to regard as home, where I run along the river, where there are amazing vegan cafes & where I have found contentment in the world.

Option 2) To go
... to a new role as creative director of a company called 'house of quirky' when I interviewed I totally vibed from the energy & dynamism, though it's taking me out of my comfort zone & my familiar locale. A move that takes me back to Sydney (home of the most awesome coastal run) where my old friends reside & where new opportunities arise. Embracing change & excited for a new challenge I chose this option with my intuitive feelings, you've got to go with your gut. 

I'm pumped & ready for this & I really believe running gives me the focus & creative thinking processing to do such an amazing yet demanding role effectively with wellbeing of mind & body maintained.

On to the next chapter.. New beginnings & exciting times.. Namaste.

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