Monday, 28 April 2014

determination demon

& this weekend I was determined to..
a) finish packing my life to move to Sydney
& b) run x2 20k's
I must have some good determination going on!
Anything is possible.. xox

Monday, 21 April 2014

Happy Easter eggs

Hoping hot cross buns filled weekends have been had & happy bunny Easter breaks have been enjoyed. Mine has been one of boxes. Boxes packed & boxes ticked. We used to do the rave dance 'big boxes, little boxes' but sadly they haven't featured in my healthy weekend!! Boxes of hot cross buns have been my rave on. & my first double up training run box completed. X2 15K's. Box. Tick. As well as boxes of belongings piled up around my house all ready to remove me from melbs. 
& this Easter weekend has seen me running along the Yarra river, my last run along this pretty path for I wonder how long a while as I've only 1 weekend left in my favourite city with my familiar river running trails. Some sunbeams sparkled on the rippling waters & through the waving branches onto my path so I felt like I was walking on sunshine ooh yeh... Luv for the long weekend... 

Thursday, 10 April 2014

movin' n groovin'

WOW WOW WOW what can I tell you about my shift in stimulations & habitations. Things are indeed a movin' & a groovin' these decisions have been put into actions hence my lack of blogging distractions for the last 2 weeks! 
I went for a luvly 10k run last week to ponder & pipe dream my future for the foreseeable. Sometimes daydreaming & visualising happens in reality. My adjudication coming in the final sprint of energy & my epiphany - to move forward, progression & succession. Life's dilemmas always can be solved when running, my rule of life!! 

My life dilemma ~

Option 1) To stay 
... in my role of fashion forecaster for a brand of which I hold dear & have given my heart, soul, blood, sweat & tears too over the past 3 years. (sounds like running 100k) A position in which I am also held in high regard & am happy & confident in my 'Sportsgirl' world. In Melbourne, a city I have come to regard as home, where I run along the river, where there are amazing vegan cafes & where I have found contentment in the world.

Option 2) To go
... to a new role as creative director of a company called 'house of quirky' when I interviewed I totally vibed from the energy & dynamism, though it's taking me out of my comfort zone & my familiar locale. A move that takes me back to Sydney (home of the most awesome coastal run) where my old friends reside & where new opportunities arise. Embracing change & excited for a new challenge I chose this option with my intuitive feelings, you've got to go with your gut. 

I'm pumped & ready for this & I really believe running gives me the focus & creative thinking processing to do such an amazing yet demanding role effectively with wellbeing of mind & body maintained.

On to the next chapter.. New beginnings & exciting times.. Namaste.