Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Good morning San Francisco

As Otis Redding once sang, & this morning pinky ran, "headed for the 'Frisco bay"...
So when I woke before sunrise this morning I thought 'what am I going to do this morning? I know, I'll go on one of my lifelong running ambition list runs, yep I'll run across the Golden Gate Bridge.' 
& so with my San Fran street map highlighted with my (approx. 9k) route to the start of the Golden Gate Bridge as the sun rose to the east I ran to the west thru the hilly streets of the awakening city. I luv experiencing the nuances of a city in the early morning light & pretty pastel streets were highlighted as was the Golden Gate Bridge upon my first glance across the bay. I could swear that it had a pinky glow! 
The approach was a flat sandy run along next to the water, looking out over to Alcatraz. The air was fresh & everything shone bright in the morning sun, having not run for nearly 2 weeks (oh my!) my legs felt like they had been reunited with a long lost sister! Happy & relieved. I've been doing bits of yoga here & there in hotel rooms, a gym session or maybe 2, but nothing gives me my sense of being like running. & what a stunning setting for a run.
I ran up some steps & through a mini trail to reach the start of the bridge, I was also greeted with traffic noise. Hmm. & running onto the golden gate an unfriendly stitch!!! No way was I going to let anything deter me or destroy this experience. So as I ran I did so in meditation, I counted down lamp posts, oh & waved at cute cyclists & took photos of the impressive structure from different angles. & across & back I ran. Tick. Done. 
After another hour run (so 21/2 in total) I reached my hotel stopping in a deli downtown for drinks, vitamin water & juice. & now I sit showered eating my second bowl of cereal & soy with banana & berries, I'm thinking I could do that again tomorrow!! What a wonderful way to start the day. Thanks San Fran & Golden (pinky) Gate bridge!!

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