Monday, 12 January 2015

2015 potential..

I'm upgrading for 2015. My destiny is to do lots of running & nutritious whole food eating & I am doing them with total conviction this year as must say I did last year!

I feel great. From 2 years of my veganism ventures I have got to the point where I am benefitting from prolonged 'healthy living' & I am so grateful to have found this way of life. 
My body is full of energy, my skin is glowing & my being is bursting with boundless potential. 

My potential races this year are giving me focus to get my runners dusted off & my feet hitting the street. I have been doing a lot of yoga, meditation & now again I'm revving up the running factor.

Races to be run:
6 foot track marathon 45k - March 14th 2015
Anzac day challenge 100k - April 26th 2015
Big red run 250k desert stage race - June 27th to July 3rd 2015
Please follow my training on the trails, the trials & tribulations that I'll be sharing with you in the next few months.

I'm hoping that this year brings joy, peace, health & well being to each & every one of you... xoL